Hi, I’m MJ. There are a lot of things that I love to do. One of those things is bake.

Because there are so many things that I love to do, I’ve always felt pressure to limit myself. We’re told to define ourselves with one “thing” and do said “thing” for the rest of our lives. For someone (like me) with a big imagination and a creative heart, doing just one “thing” isn’t so simple.

For a long time, I saw my creative spirit as a weakness. Baking is something that has helped me shift that perspective. Baking is scientific, yet creative… It’s art, yet it’s edible… It’s full of color, texture, temperature and flavor. It’s not defined by one “thing.” It’s a lot of things all-in-one.

It made me realize that I don’t have to limit myself to just one “thing”. I can claim my differing interests and be all-in-one, myself.

I’m an actress, content creator, producer, event planner, entrepreneur (to name a few)…

And I bake.

Over the last 5 years, I have been perfecting my skills as a self-taught baker & cake artist. While I couldn’t have imagined that those 5 years would eventually lead me here, I do feel ready-as-ever to share my passion with you all.

I hope that And She Bakes can be a source of empowerment, a reminder that we are limitless, and permission to celebrate ourselves and all that we are… With cake, of course!

Don’t limit yourself. Treat yourself!

Throughout the years…

MJ’s cake evolution… Told through her birthday cakes (plus a couple honorable mentions)